DIY | How to handle headphone cord jumble
Hi Rangers,
Oh My Word, am I the only one who has a giant earphone-cord problem? I am sure the answer is no. And yes I am well aware that the new fancy ones are cordless (and with Bluetooth and Wi-fi), but I am also well aware that if my earphones were cordless, I would not be able to find them either, because I would have lost them. I would rather have a jumble in my purse (which I am fixing, with this DIY), than not having any at all.
You really only need a few things to make this awesomeness work, and the Little Rangers can totally help out with those little fingers of theirs.
This is what you need:
- Scissors or an Xacto knife (not pictured).
- Perler beads (like Hama or Pyssla from IKEA).
- Earphones with cord.

I made one of these with my niece (she is 7 years old), and the Perler/Beads can be a bit hard to cut into, so I would let the grown-up do that part, which is also very smart, since scissors or knives can both be hard and dangerous to handle.
My niece was great at picking the colors and patterns, and her little finger were wonderful at helping with putting the beads on the cord.
This is how you make these colorful cords:
- Pick the perler/beads that you want to decorate your cord with.
- With knife or scissor, cut one line into the perler/beads (only one side, DO NOT cut them in half).
- Use the pointy-part of the scissor to open the little cut line. Then slide in the cord while it is open.
- Voila! You have made a colorful cord, that does not jumble.

Right now, you might be wondering, what the beads are actually doing, besides looking pretty. Well, they are making the cord a bit stiffer and way harder to jumble and make into knots in your purse. But since it is now covered in small beads, the colorful cord is still bendy, because they can move around a bit.
Since, I know you guys will love this, I would so appreciate it if you Pin it, and spread the word, since we are a lot of haters of the jumbled earphone-cord. Talking about phones and its wonders, I have recently made some super cute iPhone wallpapers, which you can totally get for free, if you sign up for my newsletter. You can do that right in the footer.
If you have any questions, or comments, please leave them in the comment section below or send me an email at
Have fun and 1000 hugs